According to Afia Schwar, the little girl who is known as Maxine is the prettiest baby she has seen since 2018. 

McBrown gave birth to Maxine, her first ever biological child in March 2019 after about five years of marriage to Maxwell Mensah.

The news of McBrown's childbirth dominated entertainment news headlines and the girl has been quite popular ever since her birth.

Though Maxine has received a lot of reportage in her young life, she has not fully been seen by Ghanaian as all her appearances on social media have her face hidden.

Afia Schwar seems to be one of the few people to have physically seen McBrown's baby and she was impressed with the child's beauty.

In a video interview with Zionfelix, Afia Schwar stated: "I saw Nana Ama McBrown's daughter. She is the prettiest baby I've seen from 2018." 

It is not known what caused Afia Schwar to meet McBrown's daughter but her high rating for the beauty of the baby girl will not surprise many judging from how beautiful her mother is.